Nothing Ever Happens in Brisbane – No Bang Review

Nothing Ever Happens in Brisbane

Virag Dombay reviews The No Bang Theory as part of its debut in the Undercover Artist Festival.

… Oliver dazzled and delighted us with his expressive storytelling that involved singing, dancing and sharing his experiences as someone who grew up with autism and how pop culture has created a narrow-minded representation of people like him. 

… a musical journey from dating disasters to diagnosis through the lens of someone who is actually autistic

Oliver Hetherington-Page’s #actuallyaustic cabaret is a heart-warming and humorous look into the life of a musical-theatre nerd, stylish jacket wearing aficionado, and neuro-diverse performer.
Virag Dombay
Nothing Ever Happens in Brisbane​

… Oliver utilises song to express his vulnerabilities and how he overcomes them which I thought was a touch of genius

… storytelling from the heart from a young man who has unfortunately often been neglected and misunderstood by society, his peers, his family and even the arts industry.